Department of Personnel Affairs


One of the elements of development and progress is the human capital. If this capital contributes productively in providing services, undoubtedly course of progress would accelerate and this would play a greater role in the following achievements.

It is among responsibilities of department of personnel affairs to attract, recruit, encourage and raise the capacity of human capital and it was the case that brought Da Afghanistan Bank to strive to employ individuals filled with the modern-day knowledge, well-educated and trained and professional in order to turn the bank into a productive, creative, effective and standardized authority.

Department of Personnel Affairs of Da Afghanistan Bank that was previously known by names of cadre and personnel department and general management office since its inception within the Da Afghanistan Bank is responsible to manage human resources affairs from initial phase of developing institutional structure and staffing to performances appraisal, trainings, development and quality enhancement of eligible staff. The department as well assumes to handle matters related to resume, staff personal issues, retirement and payment of stipends to retirees.

Legal performance source

Power granted in DAB Law to supreme Council and Executive Board of Da Afghanistan Bank, the supreme council and Executive Board approvals are comprised of individual approvals, polices, Regulations, Rules, principles, notices, guidelines, procedures and decrees, Drafts relevant provisions of the Council of Ministers and other relevant and required laws and regulations, constitute legal framework performance of this department.


To provide high quality and quantity services to attract, recruit, keep, encourage, and promote eligible and qualified persons taking into account a supportive, safe and suitable functional environment and to exercise high human values in practices and mutual relations in order to attain strategic goals of Da Afghanistan Bank.


Department of Personnel Affairs of Da Afghanistan Bank is generally responsible to manage, lead and supervise all workforce of the bank both in head office and provincial branches. The duties and responsibilities of the department will be shortly described here:

1. Arranges, promotes and modifies personnel affairs policies, regulations, descriptive statements, procedures, guidelines, and disseminates and make these legal documents available to other departments of the bank.

2. Conducts administrative reforms; develops, arranges, regulates structural reforms; human resources planning; duties analysis; prepares job descriptions for entire positions, attracts and employs eligible and suitable individuals, guides recruits, handles resume files and staff personal issues, distributes ID cards and records attendance sheet.

3. Conducts operating and administrative matters, deal with personal cases and staff relations such as resignation, replacement, promotion, degradation, dismissal, punishments, job-deserting, temporary discharge, suspension with stipends and retiree’s stipend.

4. Manages and measures level of necessity for trainings, organizes training programs, seminars, workshops, meetings and conferences internally and externally, provides higher or semi-higher educational programs, internship programs and learning and instructional materials.

5. Arranges and manages matters related to stipends, rewards and bonuses; performs annual appraisal and various surveys including Employee Satisfaction Survey and recognizes skilled and competent staffs with management, leadership and growing abilities and capacities.

6. Follows up disciplinary and remedial measures as well as deal with staff complaints.

7. Manages and ensures bank services, sound work environment, health and safety of employees and develops incentives, entertainment and recreational programs for staff.

8. Arranges, develops and oversees official duties and procedures of departments in coordination and cooperation with concerning offices.

9. Analyzes, evaluates and provides responses on personnel affairs related matters to out-of-bank entities.


Department of Personnel Affairs

Planning and policy development deputy office

Staff training and development deputy office

Admin and operations deputy office

Stipends and benefits section

Planning and policy development section

Employee relation section

Internal and overseas trainings section

Staffing section

Employee management and information section

Pensioner’s section

There are wholly 35 staff and 5 laborers working within the above structure.