Seventh Meeting of the AML and Other Crimes High Coordination Commission Was Held

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۲/۸/۳۰ - ۱۶:۲۲
Seventh Meeting of the AML and Other Crimes High Coordination Commission Was Held

November 19, 2023 – A meeting was held on AML/CFT regime’s implementation chaired by the First Deputy Governor and Acting Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank, Mr. Noor Ahmad “Agha” who is also the Head of AML and Other Crimes Coordination High Commission.

At the outset, First Deputy Governor and Acting Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank, Mr. Noor Ahmad “Agha” said that this is the second meeting held by the commission after IEA came to power.

He added that preventing money laundering and proceeds of crimes and bringing necessary coordination are the primary duties of this commission. He explained that coordination and collaboration between the IEA institutions will lead to combat effectively against money laundering, proceeds of other economic crimes and drugs.

Also, he further explained that another purpose of this meeting is to show that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is committing to maintaining better working relationships with the international community, financial and banking institutions. Furthermore, IEA considering combat against proceeds of unlawful activities as its religious obligation, never letting gain proceeds from those ways which are to detriment of other countries, Mr. Agha said.

Furthermore, he emphasized DAB commitment to fostering stronger relationships with the international community. Additionally, DAB is dedicated to the implementation of laws and regulations that align with Islamic principles, thereby assuring the international community of our adherence to laws.

Thereafter, Mr. Jamal Nasir “Raufi”, Director General of Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center and Secretary of the said commission provided comprehensive insight into the AML/PC strengths, weakness, opportunities, challenges as well as further strengthening cooperation and coordination between IEA institutions on a country level. Subsequently, members of the secretary of the commission provided necessary information on the special non-financial entrepreneurships and professions sector’s supervision and management, building AML capacity of law enforcement institutions, exchanging information, providing insight into the segregated duties assigned during the previous sixth meeting.

It is worth mentioning that the Governor’s Office Director General, Mr. Sediqullah Khalid was also in attendance at the meeting, responding to the participants’ questions on DAB activities.

It’s worth mentioning that the representatives of Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Ministries of foreign and interior affairs, General Directorate of Intelligence, Supreme Court and General Directorate for Monitoring and Follow up of Decrees and Orders were in attendance at the meeting where each one of them provided comprehensive insight into execution of assigned duties of the sixth meeting of the said commission and promised all kinds of cooperation, given the importance of national economy, anti-money laundering and other crimes.

آخرین اخبار

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۵/۲ - ۱۵:۱۷
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دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۵/۱ - ۱۴:۳۶
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شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۴/۳۰ - ۱۶:۲۹
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