Press Release of Da Afghanistan Bank on the Decision of United States of America Regarding the Foreign Exchange Reserves of Afghanistan

شنبه ۱۴۰۰/۱۱/۲۳ - ۱۶:۱۶
Press Release of Da Afghanistan Bank on the Decision of United States of America Regarding the Foreign Exchange Reserves of Afghanistan


Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) as Central Bank of Afghanistan, which is responsible to preserve and manage the International Foreign Exchange (FX)Reserves of the country as per the law, read the content of president of the United States of America’s (USA) executive order on  FX reserves of DAB held in the USA and in regard to this, expresses the following points:

1. Objectives of FX Reserves: As per the law and relevant regulations, FX reserves of Afghanistan are used to implement monetary policy, facilitate international trade and stabilize financial sector.

2. Ownership of FX Reserves: The real owners of these reserves are people of Afghanistan. These reserves were not and is not the property of governments, parties and groups and is never used as per their demand and decisions.

3. Management of FX Reserves: Considering the specified objectives, the FX reserves of Afghanistan is managed based on the international practices. Condition of these reserves are regularly and precisely monitored by DAB. A certain portion of these reserves are invested in the USA as per the accepted rules to be secure and be available to DAB for achieving the determined objectives.

Therefore, DAB considers the latest decision of USA on blocking FX reserves and allocating them to irrelevant purposes, injustice to the people of Afghanistan and will never accept if the FX reserves of Afghanistan is paid under the name of compensation or humanitarian assistance to others and wants the reversal of the decision and release of all FX reserves of Afghanistan.

آخرین اخبار

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۷ - ۱۵:۵۰
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رئیس کُل د افغانستان بانک با نماینده ویژه سازمان ملل متحد در کابل دیدار کرد

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محترم نور احمد آغا رییس کُل د. . .

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۶ - ۱۶:۲۴
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آمر عمومی نظارت بانکی  و خدمات مالی د افغانستان بانک معرفی شد

۲۵ شعبان المعظم ۱۴۴۶ دوکتور لطف الله خیرخواه طی مجلسی منحیث آمر عمومی نظارت بانکی و خدمات مالی د افغانستان بانک معرفی شد.

محترم صدیق‌الله خالد، معاون اول د افغانستان بانک در جریان. . .

یکشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۵ - ۱۰:۱۳
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رئیس  کُل د افغانستان بانک با رئیس بانک مرکزی ازبکستان دیدار کرد

24 شعبان المعظم 1446- محترم نور احمد آغا رییس کُل د افغانستان بانک در جریان سفر هیئت عالی‌رتبۀ امارت اسلامی افغانستان به کشور  ازبکستان با محترم تیمور اشمتوف رئیس بانک مرکزی ازبکستان،. . .

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