DAB Leadership Holds Meeting with the high ranking officials of Commercial Banks

شنبه ۱۴۰۰/۶/۲۰ - ۱۱:۳۳
DAB Leadership Holds Meeting with the high ranking officials of Commercial Banks

Aug 29, 2021- a meeting was held with the officials of commercial banks in head office of the central bank chaired by Mula Abdul Qahir (Mohammad Edris), the acting Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank.

Banking operations, security of commercial banks and finding out solutions to the problems were among the issues discussed in this meeting. During the meeting, the acting Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank provided assurance of cooperation to the commercial banks and said that the doors of the central bank are always open to the officials of commercial banks.

Mr. Abdul Qahir mentioned that the official letter issued to the ABA is on temporary basis and the banks will resume their normal operations gradually. It is worth mentioning that as per the above letter, the banks are required to pay USD 200 or AFN 20,000 to their customers once in a week.

It has to be noted that in addition to DAB management, ABA officials, NKB officials, BMA officials and officials of Ghazanfar Bank, Pashtany Bank, Afghanistan International Bank, Azizi Bank, Maiwand Bank, Afghan United Bank, Islamic Bank of Afghanistan, Alfalah Bank, FMFB and Pakistan National Bank also participated in this meeting.  

آخرین اخبار

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱/۳۰ - ۱۰:۶
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د افغانستان بانک 16 میلیون دالر امریکایی را لیلام میکند

 9شوال المکرم 1445- د افغانستان بانک الی مبلغ (16) میلیون دالر امریکایی را طی داوطلبی به روز شنبه مؤرخ 11 شوال المکرم 1445(1403/02/01) بطور لیلام بفروش می رساند. بدینوسیله از بانکها و. . .

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱/۲۰ - ۹:۴۴
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اطلاعیه مبنی بر ممنوع بودن فعالیت صرافی های آنلاین!

به تعقیب اطلاعیه های قبلی د افغانستان بانک مبنی بر منع بودن فعالیت های صرافی آنلاین در افغانستان، یک بار دیگر به سمع هموطنان عزیز رسانیده می شود که د افغانستان بانک تا کنون به هیچ شخص. . .

چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱/۱۵ - ۱۴:۵۱
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اطلاعیه د افغانستان بانک!

د افغانستان بانک به منظور فراهم شدن تسهیلات بهتر و دسترسی هموطنان به عرضه بهتر خدمات بانکی، ساعت کاری نمایندگی های د افغانستان بانک و بانکهای تجارتی  را سر از تاریخ ۲۵ ماه رمضان المبارک. . .

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